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a dutiful son 意味

"a dutiful son"の例文


  • 孝行息子
  • dutiful     dutiful 松柏 しょうはく
  • son     son n. 息子; 子孫; 《文語》 ある国の人, 国民; 住民. 【動詞+】 He acknowledged his son.
  • dutiful son     孝行息子{こうこう むすこ}
  • dutiful son    孝行息子{こうこう むすこ}
  • dutiful    dutiful 松柏 しょうはく
  • son     son n. 息子; 子孫; 《文語》 ある国の人, 国民; 住民. 【動詞+】 He acknowledged his son. その子を自分の息子であると認めた I adopted my son two years ago. 2 年前に今の息子を養子にした At the end of the next year she bore another son
  • son-    {連結} : soni-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
  • dutiful about    従順{じゅうじゅん}[忠実{ちゅうじつ}]に~する
  • dutiful concern    誠意{せいい}のある関心{かんしん}
  • dutiful daughter    孝行娘
  • dutiful housekeepers    従順{じゅうじゅん}な主婦{しゅふ}
  • dutiful housewife    従順な主婦
  • dutiful husband    妻に忠実な夫
  • dutiful kiss    義理のキス
  • dutiful respect    うやうやしい尊敬、恭順{きょうじゅん}


  • being a dutiful son , i did precisely as they asked .
    親の言い付けに背かない 従順な子供だった
  • he was known as a dutiful son for his mother , omandokoro .
  • there is a description in an official textbook in meiji period that hideyoshi was a dutiful son especially .
  • he was known as quite a dutiful son to his parents , and was also known as a capable official at work whose rule was benevolent .
  • long time ago , a dutiful son named kofu ( ' waki ' or the supporting role ) living in kinzan near shinyo was told in his dream that he would become rich by selling alcohol; he opened a pub and his business thrived .
  • long time ago , a dutiful son named kofu ( ' waki ' or the supporting role ) living in kinzan near shinyo was told in his dream that he would become rich by selling alcohol; he opened a pub and his business thrived .
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