son son n. 息子; 子孫; 《文語》 ある国の人, 国民; 住民. 【動詞+】 He acknowledged his son. その子を自分の息子であると認めた I adopted my son two years ago. 2 年前に今の息子を養子にした At the end of the next year she bore another son
being a dutiful son , i did precisely as they asked . 親の言い付けに背かない 従順な子供だった
he was known as a dutiful son for his mother , omandokoro . 母親の大政所への忠孝で知られる。
there is a description in an official textbook in meiji period that hideyoshi was a dutiful son especially . 明治時代の国定教科書でも、特に秀吉が親孝行であったと記述されているほどである。
he was known as quite a dutiful son to his parents , and was also known as a capable official at work whose rule was benevolent . 孝心篤く、官に勤めては仁政を布く能吏として知られた。
long time ago , a dutiful son named kofu ( ' waki ' or the supporting role ) living in kinzan near shinyo was told in his dream that he would become rich by selling alcohol; he opened a pub and his business thrived . むかし潯陽の傍ら金山に住む孝行者高風(ワキ)は、市に酒を売れば富貴の身になるであろうという夢の告げによって酒売りとなり、店は繁盛した。
long time ago , a dutiful son named kofu ( ' waki ' or the supporting role ) living in kinzan near shinyo was told in his dream that he would become rich by selling alcohol; he opened a pub and his business thrived . むかし潯陽の傍ら金山に住む孝行者高風(ワキ)は、市に酒を売れば富貴の身になるであろうという夢の告げによって酒売りとなり、店は繁盛した。